Source code for ymp.cli.stage

import logging
import textwrap
from fnmatch import fnmatch

import click

from ymp.cli.shared_options import group

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)  # pylint: disable=invalid-name

[docs]def wrap(header, data): wrapper = textwrap.TextWrapper( initial_indent=header + " ", subsequent_indent=" " * len(header) + " " ) return "\n"+"\n".join(wrapper.wrap(" ".join(data)))
@group() def stage(): """ Manipulate YMP stages """ @stage.command(name="list") @click.option( "--long", "-l", "long_opt", is_flag=True, help="Show full stage descriptions" ) @click.option( "--short", "-s", "short_opt", is_flag=True, help="Show only stage names" ) @click.option( "--code", "-c", "code_opt", is_flag=True, help="Show definition file name and line number" ) @click.option( "--types", "-t", "type_opt", is_flag=True, help="Show input/output types" ) @click.argument( "stage_opt", metavar="STAGE", nargs=-1 ) def ls(long_opt, short_opt, stage_opt, code_opt, type_opt): """ List available stages """ if long_opt and short_opt: raise click.UsageError( "Options --long and --short are mutually exclusive") from ymp.stage import Stage all_stages = Stage.get_registry() if stage_opt: stages = [all_stages[m] for m in all_stages if any(fnmatch(m, pat) for pat in stage_opt)] else: stages = list(all_stages.values()) stages = sorted(list(set(stages)), key=lambda s: if not stages: # nothing to show return name_width = max(len( for x in stages) for stage in stages: if hasattr(stage, 'docstring'): doc = stage.docstring.strip().split("\n", 1) short_doc = doc[0].strip() if len(doc) > 1: long_doc = textwrap.dedent(doc[1]) else: long_doc = "" else: short_doc = "[no docs]" long_doc = "" if long_doc and long_opt: description = "\n".join(" " + l for l in long_doc.split("\n")) else: description = "" if short_doc and not short_opt: summary = " " + short_doc else: summary = "" if code_opt: code = "\n defined in: {}:{}".format(stage.filename, stage.lineno) else: code = "" if type_opt: dtypes = (wrap(" inputs: ", stage.get_inputs()) + wrap(" outputs:", stage.outputs)) else: dtypes = "" print("{name:<{width}}{summary}{description}{code}{dtypes}\n" "".format(, width=name_width, summary=summary, code=code, dtypes=dtypes, description=description))