
YMP reads its configuration from a YAML formatted file ymp.yml. To run YMP, you need to first tell it which datasets you want to process and where it can find them.

Getting Started

A simple configuration looks like this:

    data: mapping.csv

This tells YMP to look for a file mapping.csv located in the same folder as your ymp.yml listing the datasets for the project myproject. By default, YMP will use the left most unique column as names for your datasets and try to guess which columns point to your input data.

The matching mapping.csv might look like this:


So we have two samples, foot and hand, and the read files for those in the same directory as the configuration file. Using relative or absolute paths you can point to any place in your filesystem. You can also use SRA references like SRR123456 or URLs pointing to remote files.

The mapping file itself may be in comma separated or tab separated format or may be an Excel file. For Excel files, you may specify the sheet to be used separated from the file name by a % sign. For example:

    data: myproject.xlsx%sheet3

The matching Excel file could then have a sheet3 with this content:














For foot, the two gzipped FastQ files are used. The data for hand is retrieved from SRA and the data for head downloaded from datahost. The SRR number for head is ignored as the URL pair is found first.

Referencing Read Files

YMP will search your map file data for references to the read data files. It understands three types of references to your reads:

Local FastQ files: data/some_1.fq.gz, data/some_2.fq.gz

The file names should end in .fastq or .fq, optionally followed by .gz if your data is compressed. You need to provide forward and reverse reads in separate columns; the left most column is assumed to refer to the forward reads.

If the filename is relative (does not start with a /), it is assumed to be relative to the location of ymp.yml.

Remote FastQ files: http://myhost/some_1.fq.gz, http://myhost/some_2.fq.gz

If the filename starts with http:// or https://, YMP will download the files automatically.

Forward and reverse reads need to be either both local or both remote.

SRA Run IDs: SRR123456

Instead of giving names for FastQ files, you may provide SRA Run accessions, e.g. SRR123456 (or ERRnnn or DRRnnn for runs originally submitted to EMBL or DDBJ, respectively). YMP will use fastq-dump to download and extract the SRA files.

Which type to use is determined for each row in your map file data individually. From left to right, the first recognized data source is used in the order they are listed above.

Configuration processing an SRA RunTable:

      - SraRunTable.txt
    id_col: Sample_Name_s

Project Configuration

Each project must have a data key defining which mapping file(s) to load. This may be a simple string referring to the file (URLs are OK as well) or a more complex configuration.

Specifying Columns

By default, YMP will choose the columns to use as data set name and to locate the read data automatically. You can override this behavior by specifying the columns explicitly:

  1. Data set names: id_col: Sample

    The left most unique column may not always be the most informative to use as names for the datasets. In the above example, we specify the column to use explicitly with the line id_col: Sample_Name_s as the columns in SRA run tables are sorted alpha-numerically and the left most unique one may well contain random numeric data.

    Default: left most unique column

  2. Data set read columns: reads_cols: [fq1, fq2]

    If your map files contain multiple references to source files, e.g. local and remote, and the order of preference used by YMP does not meet your needs you can restrict the search for suitable data references to a set of columns using the key read_cols.

    Default: all columns


      - SraRunTable.txt
    id_col: Sample_Name_s
    read_cols: Run_s

Multiple Mapping Files per Project

To combine data sets from multiple mapping files, simply list the files under the data key:

      - sequencing_run_1.txt
      - sequencing_run_2.txt

The files should at least share one column containing unique values to use as names for the datasets.

If you need to merge meta-data spread over multiple files, you can use the join key:

      - join:
          - SraRunTable.txt
          - metadata.xlsx%reference_project
      - metadata.xlsx%our_samples

This will merge rows from SraRunTable.txt with rows in the reference_project sheet in metadata.xls if all columns of the same name contain the same data (natural join) and add samples from the our_samples sheet to the bottom of the list.

Complete Example

      - join:
          - SraRunTable.txt
          - metadata.xlsx%reference_project
      - metadata.xlsx%our_samples
      - mapping.csv
    id_col: Sample
      - fq1
      - fq2
      - Run_s