Source code for ymp.cli

import click
import click_completion

import ymp
from ymp.cli.env import env
from ymp.cli.make import make, submit
from ymp.cli.shared_options import group
from ymp.cli.stage import stage
from import show
from ymp.cli.init import init


[docs]def install_completion(ctx, attr, value): """Installs click_completion tab expansion into users shell""" if not value or ctx.resilient_parsing: return value shell, path = click_completion.install() click.echo('%s completion installed in %s' % (shell, path)) exit(0)
[docs]def install_profiler(ctx, attr, value): if not value or ctx.resilient_parsing: return value import yappi import atexit def dump_profile(): profile = yappi.get_func_stats() profile.sort("ttot") profile.print_all(out=value, columns={ 0: ("name", 120), 1: ("ncall", 10), 2: ("tsub", 8), 3: ("ttot", 8), 4: ("tavg", 8)}) yappi.start() atexit.register(dump_profile)
@group() @click.version_option(version=ymp.__version__) @click.option( '--install-completion', is_flag=True, callback=install_completion, expose_value=False, help="Install command completion for the current shell. " "Make sure to have psutil installed.") @click.option( '--profile', type=click.File(mode="w"), callback=install_profiler, expose_value=False, help="Profile execution time using Yappi" ) def main(**kwargs): """ Welcome to YMP! Please find the full manual at """ main.add_command(make) main.add_command(submit) main.add_command(env) main.add_command(stage) main.add_command(show) main.add_command(init)