Source code for ymp

import os
import sys
import warnings

    from ymp._version import version as __version__
except ModuleNotFoundError:
    from pkg_resources import get_distribution, DistributionNotFound
        __version__ = get_distribution(__name__).version
    except DistributionNotFound:
        from setuptools_scm import get_version
        __version__ = get_version(root="..", relative_to=__file__)

    __numeric_version__ = sum(
        (100 ** n) * int(m)
        for n, m in enumerate(__version__.split(".")[2::-1]))
    warnings.warn(f"Could not parse version {__version__}")
    __numeric_version__ = 1

# Importing pkg_resources takes rather long (~200ms), for CLI snappiness,
# we manually gather the paths for our distributed files.
_rsc_dir = __path__[0]
_rule_dir = os.path.join(_rsc_dir, "rules")
_etc_dir = os.path.join(_rsc_dir, "etc")
_snakefile = os.path.join(_rule_dir, "Snakefile")
_defaults_file = os.path.join(_etc_dir, "defaults.yml")
_env_dir = os.path.join(_rsc_dir, "conda_envs")

# import ymp.config for type hints below
# (this import will eventually access the path variables above, so moving
# it further up breaks docs build)
if 'sphinx' in sys.modules:
    import ymp.config

#: Set to 1 to show the YMP expansion process as it is applied to the next
#: Snakemake rule definition.
#: >>> ymp.print_rule = 1
#: >>> rule broken:
#: >>>   ...
#: >>> ymp make broken -vvv
print_rule = 0

#: List of versions this version of YMP has been verified to work with
snakemake_versions = [

[docs]def get_config() -> 'config.ConfigMgr': """Access the current YMP configuration object. This object might change once during normal execution: it is deleted before passing control to Snakemake. During unit test execution the object is deleted between all tests. """ from ymp.config import ConfigMgr return ConfigMgr.instance()