Installing and Updating YMP

Working with the Github Development Version

Installing from GitHub

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone  --recurse-submodules

    Or, if your have github ssh keys set up:

    git clone --recurse-submodules
  2. Create and activate conda environment:

    conda env create -n ymp --file environment.yaml
    source activate ymp
  3. Install YMP into conda environment:

    pip install -e .
  4. Verify that YMP works:

    source activate ymp
    ymp --help

Updating Development Version

Usually, all you need to do is a pull:

git pull
git submodule update --recursive --remote

If environments where updated, you may want to regenerate the local installations and clean out environments no longer used to save disk space:

source activate ymp
ymp env update
ymp env clean
# alternatively, you can just delete existing envs and let YMP
# reinstall as needed:
# rm -rf ~/.ymp/conda*
conda clean -a

If you see errors before jobs are executed, the core requirements may have changed. To update the YMP conda environment, enter the folder where you installed YMP and run the following:

source activate ymp
conda env update --file environment.yaml

If something changed in, a re-install may be necessary:

source activate ymp
pip install -U -e .