Source code for

"Implements subcommands for ``ymp show``"

import logging

import click

import ymp
from ymp.cli.shared_options import command

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)  # pylint: disable=invalid-name

[docs]class ConfigPropertyParam(click.ParamType): """Handles tab expansion for ``ymp show`` arguments""" _properties = None @property def properties(self): """Find properties offered by ConfigMgr""" if not self._properties: from ymp.config import ConfigMgr self._properties = { prop: getattr(getattr(ConfigMgr, prop), "__doc__") for prop in dir(ConfigMgr) if (prop[0] != "_" and isinstance(getattr(ConfigMgr, prop), property)) } return self._properties
[docs] def complete(self, _ctx, incomplete): """Try to complete incomplete command This is executed on tab or tab-tab from the shell Args: ctx: click context object incomplete: last word in command line up until cursor Returns: list of words incomplete can be completed to """ # This only list public properties, no member variables, # mainly because member variables can't have docstrings set. return [x for x in if x.startswith(incomplete)]
[docs] def convert(self, value, param, ctx): """Convert value of param given context Args: value: string passed on command line param: click parameter object ctx: click context object """ return value
def __repr__(self): props = "\n".join( " {}: {}".format(p,[p].strip()) for p in if[p] ) return "\n".join(["Properties:", props])
[docs]def show_help(ctx, _param=None, value=True): """Display click command help""" if value: helpstr = [ctx.get_help(), ''] arg_docs = [repr(param.type) for param in ctx.command.params if isinstance(param, click.Argument)] click.echo("\n".join(helpstr + arg_docs), color=ctx.color) ctx.exit()
@command(add_help_option=False) @click.argument( "prop", nargs=1, metavar="PROPERTY", required=False, type=ConfigPropertyParam() ) @click.option( "--help", "-h", callback=show_help, expose_value=False, is_flag=True ) @click.option( "--source", "-s", is_flag=True, help="Show source" ) @click.pass_context def show(ctx, prop, source): """ Show configuration properties """ if not prop: show_help(ctx) log.debug(f"querying prop {prop}") obj = ymp.get_config() while prop: key, _, prop = prop.partition(".") key, _, slice_str = key.partition("[") obj = getattr(obj, key) if not slice_str: continue for subslice_str in slice_str[:-1].replace("][", ",").split(","): try: indices = [int(part) if part else None for part in subslice_str.split(":")] if len(indices) > 3: log.warning(f"Malformed slice string '{slice_str}'") indices = indices[:3] if len(indices) == 1: obj = obj[indices[0]] else: obj = obj[slice(*indices)] except ValueError: obj = obj[subslice_str] try: output = obj.to_yaml(source) except AttributeError: output = str(obj) click.echo(output)