Source code for ymp.cli.shared_options

import logging
import os
import sys

import click
import tqdm
from coloredlogs import ColoredFormatter

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)  # pylint: disable=invalid-name

context_settings = {
    'help_option_names': ['-h', '--help']

[docs]class Group(click.Group):
[docs] def command(self, *args, **kwargs): command = super().command(*args, context_settings=context_settings, **kwargs) def wrapper(f): return command(log_options(f)) return wrapper
[docs]def command(*args, **kwargs): command = click.command(*args, context_settings=context_settings, **kwargs) def wrapper(f): return command(log_options(f)) return wrapper
[docs]def group(*args, **kwargs): return command(*args, cls=Group, **kwargs)
[docs]def nohup(ctx, param, val): """ Make YMP continue after the shell dies. - redirects stdout and stderr into pipes and sub process that won't die if it can't write to either anymore - closes stdin """ if not val: return import signal from select import select from threading import Thread # ignore sighup signal.signal(signal.SIGHUP, signal.SIG_IGN) # sighup is actually only sent by bash if bash gets it itself, so not if # `exit` is called with ymp in the background. What usually kills that type # of process is trying to write to stdout or stderr. We need to catch that. # close stdin (don't need that anyway) sys.stdin.close() # redirect stdout and err into a pipe and save original target pipes = {} for fd in (sys.stdout, sys.stderr): # save original std fd saved = os.dup(fd.fileno()) # create a pipe pipe = os.pipe() # overwrite std fd with one end of pipeo os.dup2(pipe[1], fd.fileno()) # save other end and target std fd pipes[pipe[0]] = saved def watcher(): while True: r, _, x = select(pipes.keys(), [], [], 60) for pipe in pipes: if pipe in r: data =, 4096) try: os.write(pipes[pipe], data) except IOError: pass t = Thread(target=watcher) t.daemon = True t.start()
nohup_option = click.option( "--nohup", "-N", is_flag=True, help="Don't die once the terminal goes away.", callback=nohup )
[docs]class TqdmHandler(logging.StreamHandler): """Tqdm aware logging StreamHandler Passes all log writes through tqdm to allow progress bars and log messages to coexist without clobbering terminal """
[docs] def emit(self, record): tqdm.tqdm.write(self.format(record))
[docs]class LogFormatter(ColoredFormatter): snakemake_level_styles = { 'warning': {'color': 'yellow'}, 'info': {'color': 'green'}, 'debug': {'color': 'blue'}, 'crirical': {'color': 'red'}, 'error': {'color': 'red'}, } def __init__(self): super().__init__("%(source)s%(message)s", level_styles=self.snakemake_level_styles)
[docs] def format(self, record): if'ymp.'): record.source = "YMP " else: record.source = "" return super().format(record)
[docs]class Log(object): """ Set up Logging """ # We could get snakemake's logging output like so: # slog = logging.getLogger("snakemake") # slog.parent = log # # Or use the log_handler parameter to snakemake to override # turning log events into messages. That would take some rewriting # of snakemake code though. # # There seems to be no good way of redirecting snakemakes logging # in a python-logging style way as it installs its own stream # handlers once control has passed to snakemake. def __init__(self): self.root_logger = logging.getLogger() self.log = logging.getLogger("ymp") self.log.setLevel(logging.WARNING) self.console_handler = TqdmHandler() self.console_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # no filtering self.console_handler.setFormatter(LogFormatter()) self.root_logger.addHandler(self.console_handler)
[docs] def mod_level(self, n): new_level = self.log.getEffectiveLevel() + n*10 clamped_level = max(logging.DEBUG, min(logging.CRITICAL, new_level)) self.log.setLevel(clamped_level)
[docs] @staticmethod def set_logfile(filename): log_handler = logging.FileHandler(filename) log_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) formatter = logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s %(name)s %(levelname)s %(message)s") log_handler.setFormatter(formatter) logging.getLogger().addHandler(log_handler)
[docs] @classmethod def verbose_option(cls, ctx, param, val): log = ctx.ensure_object(Log) if val: log.mod_level(-val)
[docs] @classmethod def quiet_option(cls, ctx, param, val): log = ctx.ensure_object(Log) if val: log.mod_level(val)
[docs] @classmethod def logfile_option(cls, ctx, param, val): log = ctx.ensure_object(Log) if val: log.set_logfile(val)
verbose_option = click.option( "--verbose", "-v", count=True, help="Increase log verbosity", callback=Log.verbose_option, expose_value=False ) quiet_option = click.option( "--quiet", "-q", count=True, help="Decrease log verbosity", callback=Log.quiet_option, expose_value=False ) logfile_option = click.option( "--log-file", help="Specify a log file", callback=Log.logfile_option, expose_value=False )
[docs]def enable_debug(ctx, param, val): if not val: return def excepthook(typ, val, tb): import traceback traceback.print_exception(typ, val, tb) import pdb sys.excepthook = excepthook log.error("Dropping into PDB on uncaught exception...")
debug_option = click.option( "--pdb", "-P", is_flag=True, help="Drop into debugger on uncaught exception", callback=enable_debug, expose_value=False )
[docs]def log_options(f): f = logfile_option(f) f = verbose_option(f) f = quiet_option(f) f = debug_option(f) return f