Source code for ymp.cli.init

"Implements subcommands for ``ymp init``"

import logging
import os
import shutil
import subprocess as sp

import click

import ymp
from ymp.cli.shared_options import command, group

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)  # pylint: disable=invalid-name

def init():
    """Initialize YMP workspace"""

[docs]def have_command(cmd): try:"command -v " + cmd, shell=True, stdout=sp.DEVNULL, check=True) except sp.CalledProcessError: log.debug("Command '%s' not found", cmd) return False log.debug("Command '%s' found", cmd) return True
@init.command() @click.option("--yes", "-y", is_flag=True, help="Confirm every prompt") def cluster(yes): """Set up cluster""" cfg = ymp.get_config()._config if cfg.cluster.profile is not None and not yes: click.confirm("Cluster profile '{}' already configured. " "Do you want to overwrite this setting?" "".format(cfg.cluster.profile), abort=True) log.warning("Trying to detect cluster type") log.debug("Checking for SLURM") if have_command("sbatch"): log.warning("Found SLURM. Updating config.") cfg["cluster"]["profile"] = "slurm" elif have_command("qsub"): log.warning("Detected SGE or Torque") else: log.warning("No cluster submit commands found") cfg["cluster"]["profile"] = None log.warning("Saving config") @init.command() @click.argument("name", required=False) @click.option("--yes", "-y", is_flag=True, help="Confirm every prompt") def project(name, yes): cfg = ymp.get_config()._config if not name: name = click.prompt("Please enter a name for the new project", type=str) if name in cfg.projects and not yes: click.confirm("Project '{}' already configured. " "Do you want to overwrite this project?" "".format(name), abort=True) cfg.projects[name] = {'data': None} log.warning("Saving config") @init.command() def demo(): """ Copies YMP tutorial data into the current working directory """ click.echo("Copying tutorial data to current working directory...") cwd_path = os.getcwd() cwd_files = os.listdir(cwd_path) demo_path = os.path.join(ymp._rsc_dir, "demo") demo_files = os.listdir(demo_path) conflicts = [f for f in demo_files if f in cwd_files] if len(cwd_files) > 10: click.confirm( "WARNING: " "The current working directory already contains a lot of files.\n" " Using an empty directory to start with is highly suggested.\n" " Do you want to continue?", abort=True) if conflicts: click.confirm( "WARNING: " "This operation would overwrite the following files: {}\n" " Do you want to continue?".format(conflicts), abort=True) for f in conflicts: if os.path.isdir(f): shutil.rmtree(f) else: os.unlink(f) for f in demo_files: src = os.path.join(demo_path, f) dst = os.path.join(cwd_path, f) if os.path.isdir(src): shutil.copytree(src, dst) else: shutil.copy(src, dst) click.echo("done.") click.echo("") click.echo("Try running 'ymp make toy.assemble_megahit.map_bbmap',") click.echo("or see for more examples.")