Source code for ymp.stage.project

import logging
import os
import re
from collections import Mapping, Sequence
import sqlite3

from typing import List, Union, Dict, Set

import ymp
from ymp.common import ensure_list
from ymp.exceptions import YmpConfigError, YmpStageError
from ymp.stage.base import ConfigStage
from ymp.util import is_fq, make_local_path

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)  # pylint: disable=invalid-name

[docs]class PandasTableBuilder(object): """Builds the data table describing each sample in a project This class implements loading and combining tabular data files as specified by the YAML configuration. Format: - string items are files - lists of files are concatenated top to bottom - dicts must have one "command" value: - 'join' contains a two-item list the two items are joined 'naturally' on shared headers - 'table' contains a list of one-item dicts dicts have form ``key:value[,value...]`` a in-place table is created from the keys list-of-dict is necessary as dicts are unordered - 'paste' contains a list of tables pasted left to right tables pasted must be of equal length or length 1 - if a value is a valid path relative to the csv/tsv/xls file's location, it is expanded to a path relative to CWD Example: .. code-block:: yaml - top.csv - join: - excel.xslx%left.csv - right.tsv - table: - sample: s1,s2,s3 - fq1: s1.1.fq, s2.1.fq, s3.1.fq - fq2: s1.2.fq, s2.2.fq, s3.2.fq """ """Constructs the project data table from the yaml definition """ def __init__(self): import pandas from pandas.core.reshape.merge import MergeError self.pd = pandas self.MergeError = MergeError self.files: List[str] = []
[docs] def load_data(self, cfg): if isinstance(cfg, str): return self._load_file(cfg) if isinstance(cfg, Sequence): return self._rowbind(cfg) if isinstance(cfg, Mapping): if 'join' in cfg: return self._join(cfg['join']) if 'paste' in cfg: return self._paste(cfg['paste']) if 'table' in cfg: return self._table(cfg['table']) raise YmpConfigError(cfg, "Unrecognized statement in data config")
def _load_file(self, cfg): try: data = self.pd.read_csv( cfg, sep=None, engine='python', dtype='str' ) except FileNotFoundError: parts = cfg.split('%', maxsplit=1) try: data = self.pd.read_excel( parts[0], parts[1] if len(parts) > 1 else 0) except ImportError: raise YmpConfigError( cfg, "Could not load specified data file." " If this is an Excel file, you might need" " to install 'xlrd'." ) # prefix fq files with name of config file's directory rdir = os.path.dirname(cfg) data = data.applymap( lambda s: os.path.join(rdir, s) if is_fq(s) and os.path.exists(os.path.join(rdir, s)) else s ) self.files.append(cfg) return data def _rowbind(self, cfg): tables = list(map(self.load_data, cfg)) return self.pd.concat(tables, ignore_index=True) def _join(self, cfg): tables = list(map(self.load_data, cfg)) try: return self.pd.merge(*tables) except self.MergeError as e: raise YmpConfigError( cfg, "Failed to `join` configured data.\n" "Joined table indices:\n{}\n\n" "".format("\n".join(", ".join(table.columns.tolist()) for table in tables)), exc=e) def _paste(self, cfg): tables = list(map(self.load_data, cfg)) manyrow = [table for table in tables if len(table) > 1] if manyrow: nrows = len(manyrow[0]) if any(len(table) != nrows for table in manyrow[1:]): raise YmpConfigError( cfg, "Failed to `paste` configured data. " "Row counts differ and are not 1." "Row counts: {}\n" "".format(", ".join(str(len(table)) for table in manyrow))) tables = [ table if len(table) > 1 else self.pd.concat([table]*nrows, ignore_index=True) for table in tables ] return self.pd.concat(tables, axis=1) def _table(self, cfg): return self.pd.DataFrame.from_dict({ key: value.split(',') for row in cfg for key, value in row.items() })
[docs]class PandasProjectData(object): def __init__(self, cfg): import pandas self.pd = pandas table_builder = PandasTableBuilder() self.df = table_builder.load_data(cfg)
[docs] def columns(self): return list(self.df.columns)
[docs] def identifying_columns(self): column_frequencies = self.df.apply(self.pd.Series.nunique) log.debug("Column frequencies: {}".format(column_frequencies)) nrows = self.df.shape[0] log.debug("Row count: {}".format(nrows)) columns = self.df.columns[column_frequencies == nrows] return list(columns)
[docs] def dump(self): return self.df.to_dict()
[docs] def duplicate_rows(self, column): duplicated = self.df.duplicated(subset=[column], keep=False) values = self.df[duplicated][column] return list(values)
[docs] def string_columns(self): cols = self.df.select_dtypes(include=['object']) # turn NaN into '' so they don't bother us later cols.fillna('', inplace=True) return list(cols)
[docs] def rows(self, cols): yield from self.df[cols].itertuples()
[docs] def get(self, idcol, row, col): return ensure_list(self.df[self.df[idcol] == row][col].values[0])
[docs] def column(self, col): return list(self.df[col])
[docs] def groupby_dedup(self, cols): """Return non-redundant identifying subset of cols """ identifiers = [] redundant = set() df = self.df for g in cols: # Skip columns we found redundant with previously # selected columns if g in redundant: continue # Add current column to identifier list identifiers.append(g) # Group data by identifying colummns, then count unique # values for all other columns. Mark as True those that # are exatly one. colidx = df.groupby(identifiers, as_index=False).agg('nunique').eq(1).all() # Extract names rcols = set(df.columns[colidx]) # Add to redundant set redundant |= rcols return identifiers
[docs]class SQLiteProjectData(object): def __init__(self, cfg, name="data"): = name self.conn = self._connect() table_builder = PandasTableBuilder() table_builder.load_data(cfg).to_sql(name, self.conn, index=False) @property def db_url(self): return f"file:{id(self)}?mode=memory" def _connect(self): return sqlite3.connect(self.db_url, uri=True, check_same_thread=False) def __getstate__(self): return (, self.dump()) def __setstate__(self, state): = state[0] self.conn = self._connect() self.conn.executescript(state[1])
[docs] def query(self, *args): return self.conn.execute(*args)
@property def nrows(self): return self.query( 'SELECT COUNT(*) from "{}"'.format( ).fetchone()[0]
[docs] def columns(self): return [t[1] for t in self.query( 'PRAGMA table_info("{}")'.format( )]
[docs] def identifying_columns(self): nrows = self.nrows return [t for t in self.columns() if self.query( 'SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT "{}") FROM "{}"'.format(t, ).fetchone()[0] == nrows]
[docs] def dump(self): return "\n".join(self.conn.iterdump())
[docs] def duplicate_rows(self, column): return [t[0] for t in self.query(""" SELECT "{c}" FROM "{n}" WHERE "{c}" in ( SELECT "{c}" FROM "{n}" GROUP BY "{c}" having COUNT("{c}") > 1 ) """.format(c=column, )]
[docs] def string_columns(self): return [t[1] for t in self.query( 'PRAGMA table_info("{}")'.format( ) if t[2] == 'TEXT']
[docs] def rows(self, col): return self.query( 'SELECT {c} from "{n}"'.format(, c="0," + ",".join('"{}"'.format(c) for c in col) ) )
[docs] def get(self, idcol, row, col): query = f'SELECT "{col}" from "{}" where "{idcol}"=?' res = [row[0] for row in self.query(query, [row]).fetchall()] return res
[docs] def column(self, col): if isinstance(col, str): col = [col] col = ",".join('"{}"'.format(c) for c in col) return [t[0] for t in self.query( 'SELECT {c} from "{n}"'.format(, c=col) )]
[docs] def groupby_dedup(self, cols): skip = set() result = [] for g in cols: if g in skip: continue result.append(g) q = 'SELECT {c} FROM "{n}" GROUP BY {g}'.format(, g=",".join('"{}"'.format(g) for g in result), c=",".join(('COUNT(DISTINCT "{}")'.format(c) for c in cols)) ) counts = self.query(q).fetchall() unique = [all(x == 1 for x in n) for n in zip(*counts)] rcols = set(c for c, u in zip(cols, unique) if u) skip |= rcols return result
[docs]class Project(ConfigStage): """Contains configuration for a source dataset to be processed""" KEY_DATA = 'data' KEY_IDCOL = 'id_col' KEY_READCOLS = 'read_cols' KEY_BCCOL = 'barcode_col' # SRR columns: # LibraryLayout_s PAIRED # LibrarySelection_s PCR | RANDOM RE_REMOTE = re.compile(r"^(?:https?|ftp|sftp)://(?:.*)") RE_SRR = re.compile(r"^[SED]RR[0-9]+$") RE_FILE = re.compile(r"^(?!http://).*(?:fq|fastq)(?:|\.gz)$") def __init__(self, name, cfg): super().__init__(name, cfg) self.altname = None self.pairnames = ymp.get_config().pairnames self.fieldnames = None self._data = None self._source_cfg = None self._idcol = None self.bccol = cfg.get(self.KEY_BCCOL) if self.KEY_DATA not in self.cfg: raise YmpConfigError( self.cfg, "Missing key '{}'".format(self.KEY_DATA)) def __repr__(self): return "{}(project={})".format(self.__class__.__name__, @property def outputs(self) -> Union[Set[str], Dict[str, str]]: return set(("/{sample}.R1.fq.gz", "/{sample}.R2.fq.gz", "/{:samples:}.R1.fq.gz", "/{:samples:}.R2.fq.gz")) @property def data(self): """Pandas dataframe of runs Lazy loading property, first call may take a while. """ if self._data is None: self._data = SQLiteProjectData(self.cfg[self.KEY_DATA]) return self._data @property def variables(self): return
[docs] def minimize_variables(self, groups): if not groups: groups = [self.idcol] if len(groups) > 1: groups = [g for g in groups if g != 'ALL'] # FIXME: lowercase? if len(groups) > 1: groups = if len(groups) > 1: raise YmpStageError(f"multi-idx grouping not implemented (groups={groups})") return groups
[docs] def get_ids(self, groups, match_groups=None, match_value=None): ids = None if groups == ['ALL']: ids = 'ALL' elif groups == match_groups: ids = match_value elif groups[0] in if match_groups and match_groups != ['ALL']: ids =[0], match_value, groups[0]) else: ids =[0]) if not ids: if len(groups) == 1: ids = groups[0] else: raise YmpStageError( f"no ids for {groups} {match_groups} {match_value}" ) return ids
[docs] def iter_samples(self, variables=None): if not variables: variables = self.variables return
@property def runs(self): """Pandas dataframe index of runs Lazy loading property, first call may take a while. """ return @property def idcol(self): if self._idcol is None: self._idcol = self.choose_id_column() return self._idcol @property def source_cfg(self): if self._source_cfg is None: self._source_cfg = self.choose_fq_columns() return self._source_cfg
[docs] def choose_id_column(self): """Configures column to use as index on runs If explicitly configured via KEY_IDCOL, verifies that the column exists and that it is unique. Otherwise chooses the leftmost unique column in the data. """ all_columns = unique_columns = if not unique_columns: raise YmpConfigError( self.cfg, "Project data has no column containing unique values for " "each row. At least one is needed to identify samples!" ) if self.KEY_IDCOL in self.cfg: idcol = self.cfg[self.KEY_IDCOL] if idcol not in all_columns: raise YmpConfigError(self.cfg, key=self.KEY_IDCOL, msg=( "Configured column not found in data. " "Possible spelling error? Available columns: " ", ".join(all_columns) )) if idcol not in unique_columns: raise YmpConfigError(self.cfg, key=self.KEY_IDCOL, msg=( "Configured id_col column '{}' is not unique.\n" "Duplicated rows:\n {}\n" "Unique columns: {}".format( idcol,, unique_columns ) )) else: idcol = unique_columns[0]"Autoselected column %s=%s", self.KEY_IDCOL, idcol) return idcol
[docs] def choose_fq_columns(self): """ Configures the columns referencing the fastq sources """ # get only columns containing string data string_cols = # if barcode column specified, omit that if self.bccol: string_cols.remove(self.bccol) # if read columns specified, constrain to those read_cols = self.cfg.get(self.KEY_READCOLS) if read_cols: if isinstance(read_cols, str): read_cols = [read_cols] typo_cols = set(read_cols) - set(string_cols) if typo_cols: log.warning("%s=%s references invalid columns: %s", self.KEY_READCOLS, read_cols, typo_cols) read_cols = [col for col in read_cols if col not in typo_cols] else: read_cols = string_cols if not read_cols: raise YmpConfigError(self.cfg, key=self.KEY_READCOLS, msg=( "No columns containing read files found" )) err = False source_config = {} for row in[self.idcol] + read_cols): cols = [] for i, val in enumerate(row[2:]): if self.RE_FILE.match(val): cols.append(("file", read_cols[i])) elif self.RE_REMOTE.match(val): cols.append(("remote", read_cols[i])) elif self.RE_SRR.match(val): cols.append(("srr", read_cols[i])) types = set(col[0] for col in cols) if not types: log.error("No data sources found in row %s.", row[1]) err = True elif len(types) > 1 or len(cols) > 2 or \ (cols[0] == 'srr' and len(cols) > 1): log.error("Ambiguous data sources found in row %s. " "You may need to constrain the columns allowed " "to contain read data using '%'.", row[1], self.KEY_READCOLS) err = True elif len(cols) == 2: source_config[row[1]] = (cols[0][0], cols[0][1], cols[1][1]) elif len(cols) == 1: source_config[row[1]] = (cols[0][0], cols[0][1], None) else: raise RuntimeError("this should not have happened") if err: raise YmpConfigError(self.cfg, msg=( "Failed to identify source data in project data config. " "See above log messages for details." )) return source_config
[docs] def raw_reads_source_path(self, args, kwargs): return self.source_path(*args)
[docs] def source_path(self, target, pair, nosplit=False): """Get path for FQ file for ``run`` and ``pair``""" source = self.source_cfg.get(target) cfg = ymp.get_config() if not source: raise YmpConfigError(self.cfg, "No run '{}' in source config".format(target)) if isinstance(pair, str): pair = self.pairnames.index(pair) if self.bccol and not nosplit: barcode_file =, target, self.bccol)[0] if barcode_file: return self.encode_barcode_path(barcode_file, target, pair) kind = source[0] if kind == 'srr': srr =, target, source[1])[0] f = os.path.join(cfg.dir.scratch, "SRR", "{}_{}.fastq.gz".format(srr, pair+1)) return f fq_col = source[pair+1] if not isinstance(fq_col, str): return ( "Configuration Error: no source for sample {} and read {} " "found.".format(target, pair+1)) fn =, target, fq_col)[0] if kind == 'file': return fn if kind == 'remote': return make_local_path(cfg, fn) raise YmpConfigError( self.cfg, "Configuration Error: no source for sample {} and read {} found." "".format(target, pair+1))
[docs] def encode_barcode_path(self, barcode_file, run, pair): if barcode_file: barcode_id = barcode_file.replace("_", "__").replace("/", "_x_") return ( "{project}.split_libraries/{barcodes}/{run}.{pair}.fq.gz" "".format(, barcodes=barcode_id, run=run, pair=self.pairnames[pair]) )
[docs] def unsplit_path(self, barcode_id, pairname): barcode_file = barcode_id.replace("_x_", "/").replace("__", "_") pair = self.pairnames.index(pairname) run =, barcode_file, self.idcol)[0] source = self.source_path(run, pair, nosplit=True) return [barcode_file, source]
[docs] def get_fq_names(self, only_fwd=False, only_rev=False, only_pe=False, only_se=False): """Get pipeline names of fq files""" if only_fwd and only_rev: # pointless, but satisfiable return [] if only_pe and only_se: # equally pointless, zero result return [] pairs = [] if not only_rev: pairs += [0] if not only_fwd: pairs += [1] check_rev = only_pe or only_se def have_file(run, pair): return (isinstance(self.source_cfg[run][pair+1], str) or self.source_cfg[run][0] == 'srr') return [ "{}.{}".format(run, self.pairnames[pair]) for run in self.runs for pair in pairs if have_file(run, pair) if not check_rev or have_file(run, 1) == only_pe ]
@property def fq_names(self): "Names of all FastQ files" return self.get_fq_names() @property def pe_fq_names(self): "Names of paired end FastQ files" return self.get_fq_names(only_pe=True) @property def se_fq_names(self): "Names of single end FastQ files" return self.get_fq_names(only_se=True) @property def fwd_pe_fq_names(self): "Names of forward FastQ files part of pair" return self.get_fq_names(only_pe=True, only_fwd=True) @property def rev_pe_fq_names(self): "Names of reverse FastQ files part of pair" return self.get_fq_names(only_pe=True, only_rev=True) @property def fwd_fq_names(self): "Names of forward FastQ files (se and pe)" return self.get_fq_names(only_fwd=True) @property def project_name(self): return