Source code for ymp.sphinxext

"""This module contains a Sphinx_ extension for documenting YMP stages and
Snakemake_ rules.

The `SnakemakeDomain` (name **sm**) provides the following directives:

.. rst:directive:: .. sm:rule:: name

   Describes a `Snakemake rule <snakefiles-rules>`

.. rst:directive:: .. sm:stage:: name

   Describes a `YMP Stage <Stage>`

Both directives accept an optional ``source`` parameter. If given, a
link to the source code of the stage or rule definition will be added.
The format of the string passed is ``filename:line``. Referenced
Snakefiles will be highlighted with pygments and added to the
documentation when building HTML.

The extension also provides an autodoc-like directive:

.. rst:directive:: .. autosnake:: filename

   Generates documentation from Snakefile ``filename``.

.. _Sphinx:
.. _Snakemake:


import os
from textwrap import dedent, indent
from typing import List, Optional

from docutils import nodes
from docutils.parsers import rst
from docutils.statemachine import StringList

from snakemake.rules import Rule

from sphinx import addnodes
from sphinx.application import Sphinx
from sphinx.directives import ObjectDescription
from import Domain, ObjType
from sphinx.environment import BuildEnvironment
from sphinx.environment.collectors import EnvironmentCollector
from sphinx.roles import XRefRole
from sphinx.util import logging, ws_re
from sphinx.util.nodes import make_refnode

import ymp
from ymp.snakemake import ExpandableWorkflow
from ymp.snakemakelexer import SnakemakeLexer
from ymp.stage import Stage

    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
except AttributeError:
    # Fall back to normal logging
    import logging as _logging
    logger = _logging.getLogger(__name__)

#: str: Path in which YMP package is located
BASEPATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(ymp.__file__))

[docs]def relpath(path: str) -> str: """Make absolute path relative to BASEPATH Args: path: absolute path Returns: path relative to BASEPATH """ return os.path.relpath(path, BASEPATH)
[docs]class YmpObjectDescription(ObjectDescription): """ Base class for RSt directives in SnakemakeDomain Since this inherhits from Sphinx' ObjectDescription, content generated by the directive will always be inside an addnodes.desc. Args: source: Specify source position as ``file:line`` to create link """ typename = "[object name]" option_spec = { # source link (<filename>:<lineno>) 'source': rst.directives.unchanged }
[docs] def handle_signature(self, sig: str, signode: addnodes.desc) -> str: """ Parse rule signature *sig* into RST nodes and append them to *signode*. The retun value identifies the object and is passed to :meth:`add_target_and_index()` unchanged Args: sig: Signature string (i.e. string passed after directive) signode: Node created for object signature Returns: Normalized signature (white space removed) """ signode += addnodes.desc_annotation(self.typename, self.typename+" ") signode += addnodes.desc_name(sig, sig) if 'source' in self.options: self.add_source_link(signode) sigid = ws_re.sub('', sig) return sigid
[docs] def add_target_and_index(self, name: str, sig: str, signode: addnodes.desc) -> None: """ Add cross-reference IDs and entries to ``self.indexnode`` """ targetname = "-".join((self.objtype, name)) if targetname not in self.state.document.ids: signode['names'].append(targetname) signode['ids'].append(targetname) signode['first'] = (not self.names) self.state.document.note_explicit_target(signode) objects = self.env.domaindata[self.domain]['objects'] key = (self.objtype, name) if key in objects: self.env.warn(self.env.docname, 'duplicate description of {} {}, ' 'other instance in {}:{}' ''.format(self.objtype, name, self.env.doc2path(objects[key][0]), self.lineno)) objects[key] = (self.env.docname, targetname) # register rule in index indextext = self.get_index_text(self.objtype, name) if indextext: self.indexnode['entries'].append(( 'single', indextext, targetname, '', None))
[docs] def get_index_text(self, typename: str, name: str) -> str: """Formats object for entry into index""" return "{} ({})".format(name, typename)
[docs]class SnakemakeRule(YmpObjectDescription): """ Directive ``sm:rule::`` describing a Snakemake rule """ typename = "rule"
[docs]class YmpStage(YmpObjectDescription): """ Directive ``sm:stage::`` describing an YMP stage """ typename = "stage"
[docs]class SnakemakeDomain(Domain): """Snakemake language domain""" name = "sm" label = "Snakemake" object_types = { # ObjType(name, *roles, **attrs) 'rule': ObjType('rule', 'rule'), 'stage': ObjType('stage', 'stage'), } directives = { 'rule': SnakemakeRule, 'stage': YmpStage, } roles = { 'rule': XRefRole(), 'stage': XRefRole(), } initial_data = { 'objects': {}, #: (type, name) -> docname, labelid } data_version = 0
[docs] def clear_doc(self, docname: str): """Delete objects derived from file ``docname``""" if 'objects' in toremove = [ key for (key, (docname_, _)) in['objects'].items() if docname_ == docname ] for key in toremove: del['objects'][key]
[docs] def resolve_xref(self, env: BuildEnvironment, fromdocname: str, builder, typ, target, node, contnode): objects =['objects'] objtypes = self.objtypes_for_role(typ) for objtype in objtypes: if (objtype, target) in objects: return make_refnode(builder, fromdocname, objects[objtype, target][0], objects[objtype, target][1], contnode, target + ' ' + objtype)
[docs] def get_objects(self): for (typ, name), (docname, ref) in['objects'].items(): # name, dispname, type, docname, anchor, searchprio yield name, name, typ, docname, ref, 1
[docs]class AutoSnakefileDirective(rst.Directive): """Implements RSt directive ``.. autosnake:: filename`` The directive extracts docstrings from rules in snakefile and auto-generates documentation. """ #: bool: This rule does not accept content has_content = False #: int: This rule needs one argument (the filename) required_arguments = 1 #: str: Template for generated Rule RSt tpl_rule = ".. sm:rule:: {name}" #: str: Template for generated Stage RSt tpl_stage = ".. sm:stage:: {name}" #: str: Template option source tpl_source = " :source: {filename}:{lineno}"
[docs] def run(self): """Entry point""" snakefile = self.arguments[0] #: BuildEnvironment: Sphinx build environment self.env: BuildEnvironment = self.state.document.settings.env #: ExpandableWorkflow: Ymp Workflow object self.workflow = self.load_workflow(snakefile) return self._generate_nodes()
[docs] def load_workflow(self, file_path: str) -> ExpandableWorkflow: """Load the Snakefile""" workflow = ExpandableWorkflow(snakefile=file_path) workflow.include(file_path) return workflow
[docs] def parse_doc(self, doc: str, source: str, idt: int=0) -> StringList: """Convert doc string to StringList Args: doc: Documentation text source: Source filename idt: Result indentation in characters (default 0) Returns: StringList of re-indented documentation wrapped in newlines """ doc = dedent(doc or "").strip("\n") doc = indent(doc, " " * idt) doclines = [''] + doc.splitlines() + [''] return StringList(doclines, source)
[docs] def parse_rule(self, rule: Rule, idt: int=0) -> StringList: """Convert Rule to StringList Args: rule: Rule object idt: Result indentation in characters (default 0) Retuns: StringList containing formatted Rule documentation """ head = self.tpl_rule.format( if rule.lineno: head += "\n" head += self.tpl_source.format( filename=relpath(rule.snakefile), lineno=self.workflow.linemaps[rule.snakefile][rule.lineno], ) head = indent(head, " " * idt) headlines = head.splitlines() doc = self.parse_doc(rule.docstring, rule.snakefile, idt+3) return StringList(headlines, rule.snakefile) + doc
[docs] def parse_stage(self, stage: Stage, idt: int=0) -> StringList: head = self.tpl_stage.format( if stage.lineno: head += "\n" head += self.tpl_source.format( filename=relpath(stage.filename), lineno=self.workflow.linemaps[stage.filename][stage.lineno], ) head = indent(head, " " * idt) headlines = head.splitlines() doc = self.parse_doc(stage.docstring, stage.filename, idt+3) res = StringList(headlines, stage.filename) + doc for rule in sorted(stage.rules, key=lambda s: res.extend(self.parse_rule(rule, idt+3)) return res
def _generate_nodes(self) -> List[nodes.Node]: """Generate Sphinx nodes from parsed snakefile""" node = nodes.paragraph('') result = StringList() # generate stages stages = Stage.get_registry().values() stages = list(set(stages)) stages = sorted(stages, key=lambda x: for stage in stages: result.extend(self.parse_stage(stage)) # generate nodes for rules not registered with stages rules = self.workflow.rules for rule in rules: if not getattr(rule, "ymp_stage", False): result.extend(self.parse_rule(rule)) self.state.nested_parse(result, 0, node) return [node]
[docs]def collect_pages(app: Sphinx): """Add Snakefiles to documentation (in HTML mode) """ if not hasattr(app.env, '_snakefiles'): return highlight_block = app.builder.highlighter.highlight_block for snakefile in app.env._snakefiles: try: with open(os.path.join(BASEPATH, snakefile), 'r') as f: code = except IOError: logger.error("failed to open {}".format(snakefile)) continue highlighted = highlight_block(code, 'snakemake', lineanchors="line") context = { 'title': snakefile, 'body': '<h1>Snakefile "{}"</h1>'.format(snakefile) + highlighted } yield (os.path.join('_snakefiles', snakefile), context, 'page.html') html = ['\n'] context = { 'title': ('Overview: Snakemake rule files'), 'body': '<h1>All Snakemake rule files</h1>' + ''.join(html) } yield ('_snakefiles/index', context, 'page.html')
[docs]class DomainTocTreeCollector(EnvironmentCollector): """Add Sphinx Domain entries to the TOC""" # override
[docs] def clear_doc(self, app: Sphinx, env: BuildEnvironment, docname: str) -> None: """Clear data from environment If we have cached data in environment for document ``docname``, we should clear it here. """
# override
[docs] def merge_other(self, app: Sphinx, env: BuildEnvironment, docnames: List[str], other: BuildEnvironment) -> None: """Merge with results from parallel processes Called if Sphinx is processing documents in parallel. We should merge this from ``other`` into ``env`` for all ``docnames``. """
# override
[docs] def process_doc(self, app: Sphinx, doctree: nodes.Node) -> None: """Process ``doctree`` This is called by ``read-doctree``, so after the doctree has been loaded. The signal is processed in registered first order, so we are called after built-in extensions, such as the :mod:`sphinx.environment.collectors.toctree` extension building the TOC. """ # FIXME: handle duplicate entries for node in self.select_doc_nodes(doctree): tocnode = self.select_toc_location(app, node) heading = self.make_heading(node) if not tocnode: continue self.toc_insert(app.env.docname, tocnode, node, heading)
[docs] def select_doc_nodes(self, doctree: nodes.Node) -> List[nodes.Node]: """Select the nodes for which entries in the TOC are desired This is a separate method so that it might be overriden by subclasses wanting to add other types of nodes to the TOC. """ return doctree.traverse(addnodes.desc)
[docs] def select_toc_location(self, app: Sphinx, node: nodes.Node) -> nodes.Node: """Select location in TOC where ``node`` should be referenced """ while node is not None: tocnode = self.locate_in_toc(app, node) if tocnode: return tocnode node = node.parent return app.env.tocs[app.env.docname][0]
[docs] def locate_in_toc(self, app: Sphinx, node: nodes.Node) -> Optional[nodes.Node]: toc = app.env.tocs[app.env.docname] ref = self.get_ref(node) for node in toc.traverse(nodes.reference): node_ref = node.get('anchorname') if not node_ref or node_ref[0] != "#": continue if node_ref[1:] == ref: return node.parent.parent
[docs] def get_ref(self, node: nodes.Node) -> Optional[nodes.Node]: while node is not None: if not node.get('ids'): # In Sphinx domain descriptions, the ID is in the # first child node, the desc_signature. # We can take that, but to make the JS handling # the TOC sidebar work properly, we need it to # be in the hierarchy. So create an ID for the # desc node. if node[0].get('ids'): node['ids'] = [node[0].get('ids')[0] + '-tocentry'] if node.get('ids'): return node['ids'][0] node = node.parent
[docs] def make_heading(self, node: nodes.Node) -> List[nodes.Node]: names = node[0].traverse(addnodes.desc_name) return names
[docs] def toc_insert(self, docname: str, tocnode: nodes.Node, node: nodes.Node, heading: List[nodes.Node]) -> None: for child in tocnode.children: if isinstance(child, nodes.bullet_list): blist = child break else: blist = nodes.bullet_list('') tocnode += blist reference = nodes.reference( '', '', internal=True, refuri=docname, anchorname="#" + self.get_ref(node), *heading) para = addnodes.compact_paragraph('', '', reference) item = nodes.list_item('', para) # FIXME: find correct location blist.append(item)
[docs]def setup(app: Sphinx): """Register the extension with Sphinx""" app.add_lexer('snakemake', SnakemakeLexer()) app.add_domain(SnakemakeDomain) app.add_directive('autosnake', AutoSnakefileDirective) app.add_env_collector(DomainTocTreeCollector) app.connect('html-collect-pages', collect_pages)