Source code for ymp.snakemake

Extends Snakemake Features

import functools
import logging
import re
import sys
from copy import copy, deepcopy
from inspect import Parameter, signature, stack
from typing import Optional

from snakemake.exceptions import CreateRuleException, RuleException
from import AnnotatedString, apply_wildcards, \
from import Namedlist as _Namedlist
from snakemake.rules import Rule
from snakemake.workflow import RuleInfo, Workflow

import ymp
from ymp.common import ensure_list, flatten, is_container
from ymp.exceptions import YmpRuleError
from ymp.string import ProductFormatter, make_formatter

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
partial_formatter = make_formatter(partial=True, quoted=True)
partial_format = partial_formatter.format
get_names = partial_formatter.get_names

[docs]def check_snakemake() -> bool: prev_result = getattr("check_snakemake", "result", None) if prev_result is not None: return prev_result import snakemake check_snakemake.result = snakemake.__version__ in ymp.snakemake_versions if not check_snakemake.result: log.fatal("YMP-%s was not verified to work with Snakemake-%s", ymp.__version__, snakemake.__version__) return check_snakemake.result
[docs]def networkx(): import networkx if networkx.__version__[0] != "2": log.fatal("Networkx version 2.* required by YMP but {} found" "".format(networkx.__version__)) sys.exit(1) return networkx
[docs]def load_workflow(snakefile): "Load new workflow" return ExpandableWorkflow.load_workflow(snakefile)
[docs]def get_workflow(): "Get active workflow, loading one if necessary" return ExpandableWorkflow.ensure_global_workflow()
[docs]class ExpandLateException(Exception): pass
[docs]class CircularReferenceException(YmpRuleError): """Exception raised if parameters in rule contain a circular reference""" def __init__(self, deps, rule): nodes = [n[0] for n in networkx().find_cycle(deps)] message = "Circular reference in rule {}\n'{}'".format( rule, " => ".join(nodes + [nodes[0]])) rule.filename = rule.snakefile super().__init__(rule, message)
[docs]class InheritanceException(RuleException): """Exception raised for errors during rule inheritance""" def __init__(self, msg, rule, parent, include=None, lineno=None, snakefile=None): message = "'{}' when deriving {} from {}".format( msg,, parent) super().__init__(message=message, include=include, lineno=lineno, snakefile=snakefile, rule=rule)
[docs]class NamedList(_Namedlist): """Extended version of Snakemake's :class:`` - Fixes array assignment operator: Writing a field via ``[]`` operator updates the value accessed via ``.`` operator. - Adds ``fromtuple`` to constructor: Builds from Snakemake's typial ``(args, kwargs)`` tuples as present in ruleinfo structures. - Adds `update_tuple` method: Updates values in ``(args,kwargs)`` tuples as present in :class:`ruleinfo` structures. """
[docs] def get_names(self, *args, **kwargs): """Export ``get_names`` as public func""" return self._get_names(*args, *kwargs)
def __init__(self, fromtuple=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self._fromtuple = fromtuple if fromtuple: for value in fromtuple[0]: self.append(value) for key, value in fromtuple[1].items(): if is_container(value): start = len(self) for subvalue in value: self.append(subvalue) self._set_name(key, start, len(self)) else: self.append(value) self._add_name(key) def __setitem__(self, idx, value): # set value in list super().__setitem__(idx, value) # set value in attributes (copied references) for name, (i, j) in self.get_names(): if idx >= i and (j is None or idx < j): self._set_name(name, i, j)
[docs] def update_tuple(self, totuple): """Update values in ``(args, kwargs)`` tuple. The tuple must be the same as used in the constructor and must not have been modified. """ args, kwargs = totuple for n, value in enumerate(args): if args[n] != self[n]: args[n] = self[n] for key, value in kwargs.items(): start, end = self._names[key] if end: assert is_container(value) for k, j in enumerate(range(start, end)): if kwargs[key][k] != self[j]: kwargs[key][k] = self[j] else: if kwargs[key] != self[start]: kwargs[key] = self[start]
#: describes attributes of :py:class:`snakemake.workflow.RuleInfo` ruleinfo_fields = { 'wildcard_constraints': { 'format': 'argstuple', # len(t[0]) must be == 0 }, 'input': { 'format': 'argstuple', 'funcparams': ('wildcards',), 'apply_wildcards': True, }, 'output': { 'format': 'argstuple', 'apply_wildcards': True, }, 'threads': { 'format': 'int', 'funcparams': ('wildcards', 'input', 'attempt', 'threads') # stored as resources._cores }, 'resources': { 'format': 'argstuple', # len(t[0]) must be == 0, t[1] must be ints 'funcparams': ('wildcards', 'input', 'attempt', 'threads'), }, 'params': { 'format': 'argstuple', 'funcparams': ('wildcards', 'input', 'resources', 'output', 'threads'), 'apply_wildcards': True, }, 'shadow_depth': { 'format': 'string_or_true', }, 'priority': { 'format': 'numeric', }, 'version': { 'format': 'object', }, 'log': { 'format': 'argstuple', 'apply_wildcards': True, }, 'message': { 'format': 'string', 'format_wildcards': True, }, 'benchmark': { 'format': 'string', 'apply_wildcards': True, }, 'wrapper': { 'format': 'string', # sets conda_env }, 'conda_env': { 'format': 'string', # path, relative to cwd or abs 'apply_wildcards': True, # works only with shell/script/wrapper, not run }, 'container_img': { 'format': 'string', # works ony with shell/script/wrapper, not run }, 'shellcmd': { 'format': 'string', 'format_wildcards': True }, 'docstring': { 'format': 'string', }, 'norun': { # does the rule have executable data? 'format': 'bool', }, 'func': { 'format': 'callable', }, 'script': { 'format': 'string', } # restart_times # env_modules # shadow_depth # group # notebook # cwl # cache }
[docs]class ExpandableWorkflow(Workflow): """Adds hook for additional rule expansion methods to Snakemake""" global_workflow = None __expanders = []
[docs] @classmethod def activate(cls): """Installs the ExpandableWorkflow Replaces the Workflow object in the snakemake.workflow module with an instance of this class and initializes default expanders (the snakemake syntax). """ check_snakemake() try: from snakemake.workflow import workflow except ImportError: workflow = None if workflow and workflow.__class__ != ExpandableWorkflow: # Monkey patch the existing, initialized workflow class workflow.__class__ = ExpandableWorkflow # ExpandableWorkflow.__init__ understands it may be # called on already initialized superclass, so this works: workflow.__init__() cls.global_workflow = workflow # Remove log stream handler installed by Snakemake from snakemake.logging import logger, ColorizingStreamHandler for handler in logger.logger.handlers: if isinstance(handler, ColorizingStreamHandler): logger.logger.removeHandler(handler)
[docs] @classmethod def load_workflow(cls, snakefile=ymp._snakefile): workflow = cls(snakefile=snakefile) cls.global_workflow = workflow workflow.include(snakefile) return workflow
[docs] @classmethod def ensure_global_workflow(cls): if cls.global_workflow is None: log.debug("Trying to activate %s...", cls.__name__) cls.activate() if cls.global_workflow is None: log.debug("Failed; loading default workflow") cls.load_workflow() return cls.global_workflow
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Constructor for ExpandableWorkflow overlay attributes This may be called on an already initialized Workflow object. """ # Only call super().__init__ if that hasn't happened yet # (as indicated by no instance attributes written to __dict__) if not self.__dict__: # only call constructor if this object hasn't been initialized yet super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # There can only be one ExpandableWorkflow.global_workflow = self for expander in self.__expanders: expander.link_workflow(self) self._ruleinfos = {} self._last_rule_name = None
[docs] @classmethod def register_expanders(cls, *expanders): """ Register an object the expand() function of which will be called on each RuleInfo object before it is passed on to snakemake. """ cls.__expanders = expanders if cls.global_workflow: for expander in cls.__expanders: expander.link_workflow(cls.global_workflow)
[docs] @classmethod def clear(cls): if cls.global_workflow: cls.global_workflow = None # make sure there is no workflow in snakemake either # (we try to load that in activate()) import snakemake.workflow snakemake.workflow.workflow = None
[docs] def add_rule(self, name=None, lineno=None, snakefile=None, checkpoint=False): """Add a rule. Arguments: name: name of the rule lineno: line number within the snakefile where the rule was defined snakefile: name of file in which rule was defined """ # super().add_rule() dynamically creates a name if `name` is None # stash the name so we can access it from `get_rule` self._last_rule_name = super().add_rule(name, lineno, snakefile) return self._last_rule_name
[docs] def get_rule(self, name=None): """ Get rule by name. If name is none, the last created rule is returned. Arguments: name: the name of the rule """ if name is None: name = self._last_rule_name return super().get_rule(name)
[docs] def rule(self, name=None, lineno=None, snakefile=None, checkpoint=None): """Intercepts "rule:" Here we have the entire ruleinfo object """ decorator = super().rule(name, lineno, snakefile, checkpoint) rule = self.get_rule(name) def decorate(ruleinfo): if ymp.print_rule == 1: log.error("#### BEGIN expansion") print_ruleinfo(rule, ruleinfo, log.error) rule._ymp_print_rule = True for expander in reversed(self.__expanders): expander.expand(rule, ruleinfo) if ymp.print_rule == 1: log.error("### expanded with " + type(expander).__name__) print_ruleinfo(rule, ruleinfo, log.error) if ymp.print_rule: log.error("#### END expansion") # Conditionaly dump rule after YMP formatting if ymp.print_rule == 1: ymp.print_rule = 0 # register rule with snakemake try: decorator(ruleinfo) # does not return anything except AttributeError: print_ruleinfo(rule, ruleinfo, log.error) raise return decorate
[docs]def make_rule(name: str=None, lineno: int=None, snakefile: str=None, **kwargs): log.debug("Synthesizing rule {}".format(name)) ruleinfo = RuleInfo(lambda: None) for arg in kwargs: setattr(ruleinfo, arg, kwargs[arg]) ruleinfo.norun = True workflow = get_workflow() try: return workflow.rule(name, lineno, snakefile)(ruleinfo) except CreateRuleException: log.debug(" failed. Rule already exists?") return None
[docs]class BaseExpander(object): """ Base class for Snakemake expansion modules. Subclasses should override the :meth:expand method if they need to work on the entire RuleInfo object or the :meth:format and :meth:expands_field methods if they intend to modify specific fields. """ def __init__(self): self.workflow = None
[docs] def format(self, item, *args, **kwargs): """Format *item* using *\*args* and *\*\*kwargs*""" return item
[docs] def format_annotated(self, item, expand_args): """Wrapper for :meth:format preserving *AnnotatedString* flags Calls :meth:format to format *item* into a new string and copies flags from original item. This is used by :meth:expand """ updated = self.format(item, **expand_args) if isinstance(item, AnnotatedString): updated = AnnotatedString(updated) try: updated.flags = deepcopy(item.flags) except TypeError: log.debug( "Failed to deepcopy flags for item {} with flags{}" "".format(item, item.flags) ) updated.flags = copy(item.flags) return updated
[docs] def expands_field(self, field): """Checks if this expander should expand a Rule field type Arguments: field: the field to check Returns: True if *field* should be expanded. """ return False
[docs] def expand(self, rule, item, expand_args=None, rec=-1, cb=False): """Expands RuleInfo object and children recursively. Will call :meth:format (via :meth:format_annotated) on `str` items encountered in the tree and wrap encountered functions to be called once the wildcards object is available. Set ``ymp.print_rule = 1`` before a ``rule:`` statement in snakefiles to enable debug logging of recursion. Arguments: rule: The :class:snakemake.rules.Rule object to be populated with the data from the RuleInfo object passed from *item* item: The item to be expanded. Initially a :class:snakemake.workflow.RuleInfo object into which is recursively decendet. May ultimately be `None`, `str`, `function`, `int`, `float`, `dict`, `list` or `tuple`. expand_args: Parameters passed on late expansion (when the ``dag`` tries to instantiate the `rule` into a ``job``. rec: Recursion level """ rec = rec + 1 if expand_args is None: expand_args = {} debug = ymp.print_rule or getattr(rule, "_ymp_print_rule", False) if debug: log.debug("{}{}: ({}) {} in rule {} with args {}" "".format(" "*rec*4, type(self).__name__, type(item).__name__, item, rule, expand_args)) if item is None: item = None elif isinstance(item, RuleInfo): item = self.expand_ruleinfo(rule, item, expand_args, rec) elif isinstance(item, str): item = self.expand_str(rule, item, expand_args, rec, cb) elif hasattr(item, '__call__'): item = self.expand_func(rule, item, expand_args, rec, debug) elif isinstance(item, int) or isinstance(item, float): pass elif isinstance(item, dict): item = self.expand_dict(rule, item, expand_args, rec) elif isinstance(item, list): item = self.expand_list(rule, item, expand_args, rec, cb) elif isinstance(item, tuple): item = self.expand_tuple(rule, item, expand_args, rec, cb) else: log.debug("Not expanding item '{}' of type {}".format( repr(item), type(item))) if debug: log.debug("{}=> {} {}" "".format(" "*(rec*4), type(item).__name__, item)) return item
[docs] def expand_ruleinfo(self, rule, item, expand_args, rec): self.current_rule = rule for field in filter(self.expands_field, ruleinfo_fields): expand_args['field'] = field attr = getattr(item, field) value = self.expand(rule, attr, expand_args=expand_args, rec=rec) setattr(item, field, value) self.current_rule = None return item
[docs] def expand_str(self, rule, item, expand_args, rec, cb): expand_args['rule'] = rule try: return self.format_annotated(item, expand_args) except (KeyError, TypeError, ExpandLateException): # avoid recursion: if cb: raise def item_wrapped(wc): return self.expand(rule, item, expand_args={'wc': wc, 'rule': rule}, cb=True) return item_wrapped
[docs] def expand_func(self, rule, item, expand_args, rec, debug): @functools.wraps(item) def late_expand(*args, **kwargs): if debug: log.debug("{}{} late {} {} ".format( " "*rec*4, type(self).__name__, args, kwargs)) res = self.expand(rule, item(*args, **kwargs), expand_args={'wc': args[0]}, rec=rec, cb=True) if debug: log.debug("{}=> '{}'".format(" "*rec*4, res)) return res return late_expand
def _make_list_wrapper(self, value): def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): res = [] for subitem in value: if callable(subitem): subparms = signature(subitem).parameters extra_args = { k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if k in subparms } res.append(subitem(*args, **extra_args)) else: res.append(subitem) return res # Gather the arguments parms = tuple(set(flatten([ list(signature(x).parameters.values()) for x in value if callable(x) ]))) # Rewrite signature wrapper.__signature__ = signature(wrapper).replace(parameters=parms) return wrapper
[docs] def expand_dict(self, rule, item, expand_args, rec): path = expand_args.get('path', list()) for key, value in item.items(): expand_args['path'] = path + [key] value = self.expand(rule, value, expand_args=expand_args, rec=rec) # Snakemake can't have functions in lists in dictionaries. # Let's fix that, even if we have to jump a lot of hoops here. if isinstance(value, list) and any(callable(x) for x in value): item[key] = self._make_list_wrapper(value) else: item[key] = value return item
[docs] def expand_list(self, rule, item, expand_args, rec, cb): path = expand_args.get('path', list()) res = list() for n, subitem in enumerate(item): expand_args['path'] = path + [str(n)] res.append(self.expand(rule, subitem, expand_args=expand_args, rec=rec, cb=cb)) return res
[docs] def expand_tuple(self, rule, item, expand_args, rec, cb): return tuple(self.expand_list(rule, item, expand_args, rec, cb))
[docs]class SnakemakeExpander(BaseExpander): """Expand wildcards in strings returned from functions. Snakemake does not do this by default, leaving wildcard expansion to the functions provided themselves. Since we never want ``{input}`` to be in a string returned as a file, we expand those always. """
[docs] def expands_field(self, field): return field in ('input', 'output')
[docs] def format(self, item, *args, **kwargs): if 'wc' in kwargs: item = apply_wildcards(item, kwargs['wc']) return item
[docs]class FormatExpander(BaseExpander): """ Expander using a custom formatter object. """ regex = re.compile( r""" \{ (?=( (?P<name>[^{}]+) ))\1 \} """, re.VERBOSE) spec = "{{{}}}" def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.formatter = self.Formatter(self)
[docs] def format(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.formatter.format(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] class Formatter(ProductFormatter): def __init__(self, expander): self.expander = expander self.spec = expander.spec super().__init__()
[docs] def parse(self, format_string): if format_string is None: return start = 0 for match in self.expander.regex.finditer(format_string): yield (format_string[start:match.start()],'name'), '', None) start = match.end() yield (format_string[start:], None, None, None)
[docs] def get_names(self, pattern): return set('name') for match in self.regex.finditer(pattern))
[docs]class ColonExpander(FormatExpander): """ Expander using ``{:xyz:}`` formatted variables. """ regex = re.compile( r""" \{: (?=( \s* (?P<name>(?:.(?!\s*\:\}))*.) \s* ))\1 :\} """, re.VERBOSE) spec = "{{:{}:}}" def __init__(self): super().__init__()
[docs]class RecursiveExpander(BaseExpander): """Recursively expands ``{xyz}`` wildcards in Snakemake rules."""
[docs] def expands_field(self, field): """ Returns true for all fields but ``shell:``, ``message:`` and ``wildcard_constraints``. We don't want to mess with the regular expressions in the fields in ``wildcard_constraints:``, and there is little use in expanding ``message:`` or ``shell:`` as these already have all wildcards applied just before job execution (by :meth:`format_wildcards`). """ return field not in ( 'shellcmd', 'message', 'wildcard_constraints' )
[docs] def expand(self, rule, ruleinfo): """Recursively expand wildcards within :class:`RuleInfo` object""" fields = list(filter(None.__ne__, filter(self.expands_field, ruleinfo_fields))) # normalize field values and create namedlist dictionary args = {} for field in fields: attr = getattr(ruleinfo, field) if isinstance(attr, tuple): if len(attr) != 2: raise Exception("Internal Error") # flatten named lists for key in attr[1]: if is_container(attr[1][key]): attr[1][key] = list(flatten(attr[1][key])) # flatten unnamed and overwrite tuples # also turn attr[0] into a list, making it mutable attr = (list(flatten(attr[0])), attr[1]) setattr(ruleinfo, field, attr) args[field] = NamedList(fromtuple=attr) else: args[field] = NamedList() args[field].append(attr) # build graph of expansion dependencies deps = networkx().DiGraph() for field, nlist in args.items(): for n, value in enumerate(nlist): if not isinstance(value, str): # only strings can be expanded continue s = "{}[{}]".format(field, n) # create node for value itself deps.add_node(s, core=True, name=field, idx=n) # node depends on wildcards contained in value deps.add_edges_from((s, t) for t in get_names(value) if t.split(".")[0].split("[")[0] in fields) # field node depends on all it's value nodes deps.add_edge(field, s) # create edges -> field[n] for name, (i, j) in nlist.get_names(): s = "{}.{}".format(field, name) if j is None: j = i + 1 deps.add_edges_from((s, "{}[{}]".format(field, n)) for n in range(i, j)) # sort variables so that they can be expanded in order try: nodes = list(reversed([ node for node in networkx().algorithms.dag.topological_sort(deps) if deps.out_degree(node) > 0 and 'core' in deps.nodes[node] ])) except networkx().NetworkXUnfeasible: raise CircularReferenceException(deps, rule) from None # expand variables for node in nodes: var_name = deps.nodes[node]['name'] var_idx = deps.nodes[node]['idx'] value = args[var_name][var_idx] if not isinstance(value, str): continue # format what we can valnew = partial_format(value, **args) # check if any remaining wilcards refer to rule fields names = [re.split(r'\.|\[', name, maxsplit=1)[0] for name in get_names(valnew)] field_names = ruleinfo_fields[var_name].get('funcparams', []) parm_names = [name for name in field_names if name in names] if parm_names: # Snakemake won't expand wildcards in output of functions, # so we need to format everything here def late_recursion(val, fparms): def wrapper(wildcards, **kwargs): # no partial here, fail if anything left return strip_wildcard_constraints(val).format( **kwargs, **wildcards) # adjust the signature so that snakemake will pass us # everything we need parms = (Parameter(pname, Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD) for pname in fparms) newsig = signature(wrapper).replace(parameters=parms) wrapper.__signature__ = newsig return wrapper valnew = late_recursion(valnew, parm_names) args[var_name][var_idx] = valnew if ymp.print_rule == 1: log.debug("{}::{}: {} => {}".format(, node, value, valnew)) # update ruleinfo for name in fields: attr = getattr(ruleinfo, name) if isinstance(attr, tuple): if len(attr) != 2: raise Exception("Internal Error") args[name].update_tuple(attr) else: setattr(ruleinfo, name, args[name][0])
[docs]class InheritanceExpander(BaseExpander): """Adds class-like inheritance to Snakemake rules To avoid redundancy between closely related rules, e.g. rules for single ended and paired end data, YMP allows Snakemake rules to inherit from another rule. Example: .. code-block: snakemake rule count_reads: input: "{file}.R1.fq.gz", "{file}.R2.fq.gz" output: "{file}.readcount.txt" shell: "gunzip -c {input} | wc -l > {output}" rule count_reads_SE: # ymp: extends count_reads input: "{file}.fq.gz" Derived rules are always created with an implicit ``ruleorder`` statement, making Snakemake prefer the parent rule if either parent or child rule could be used to generate the requested output file(s). Derived rules initially contain the same attributes as the parent rule. Each attribute assigned to the child rule overrides the matching attribute in the parent. Where attributes may contain named and unnamed values, specifying a named value overrides only the value of that name while specifying an unnamed value overrides all unnamed values in the parent attribute. """ # FIXME: link to # rules.html#handling-ambiguous-rules #: Comment keyword enabling inheritance KEYWORD = "ymp: extends" def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.ruleinfos = {} self.snakefiles = {} self.linemaps = None
[docs] def get_code_line(self, rule: Rule) -> str: """Returns the source line defining *rule*""" # Load and cache Snakefile if rule.snakefile not in self.snakefiles: try: with open(rule.snakefile, "r") as sf: self.snakefiles[rule.snakefile] = sf.readlines() except IOError: raise Exception("Can't parse ...") # `rule.lineno` refers to compiled code. Convert to source line number. if self.linemaps is None: self.linemaps = ExpandableWorkflow.global_workflow.linemaps real_lineno = self.linemaps[rule.snakefile][rule.lineno] return self.snakefiles[rule.snakefile][real_lineno - 1]
[docs] def get_super(self, rule: Rule, ruleinfo: RuleInfo) -> Optional[RuleInfo]: """Find rule parent Args: rule: Rule object being built ruleinfo: RuleInfo object describing rule being built Returns: 2-Tuple: name of parent rule and RuleInfo describing parent rule or (None, None). """ self.ruleinfos[] = ruleinfo # stash original ruleinfos if hasattr(ruleinfo, 'parent'): return, self.ruleinfos[] line = self.get_code_line(rule) if "#" in line: comment = line.split("#")[1].strip() if comment.startswith(self.KEYWORD): superrule_name = comment[len(self.KEYWORD):].strip() try: return superrule_name, self.ruleinfos[superrule_name] except KeyError: raise InheritanceException("Unable to find parent", rule, superrule_name) return None, None
[docs] def expand(self, rule, ruleinfo): super_name, super_ruleinfo = self.get_super(rule, ruleinfo) if super_ruleinfo is None: return base_ruleinfo = deepcopy(super_ruleinfo) if not ruleinfo.norun: # deriving rule is runnable, clear out base base_ruleinfo.shellcmd = None base_ruleinfo.wrapper = None base_ruleinfo.script = None base_ruleinfo.func = None elif not base_ruleinfo.norun: # base is runnable, clear our deriving ruleinfo.norun = False ruleinfo.shellcmd = None ruleinfo.wrapper = None ruleinfo.script = None ruleinfo.func = None for field in dir(ruleinfo): if field.startswith("__") or field == "parent": continue base_attr = getattr(base_ruleinfo, field) override_attr = getattr(ruleinfo, field) if isinstance(override_attr, tuple): if base_attr is None: base_attr = ([], {}) if override_attr[0]: base_attr = (override_attr[0], base_attr[1]) if override_attr[1]: base_attr[1].update(override_attr[1]) elif override_attr is not None: base_attr = override_attr setattr(ruleinfo, field, base_attr) if not super_ruleinfo.norun: if super_name in self.ruleinfos: self.workflow.ruleorder(super_name,
[docs]class DefaultExpander(InheritanceExpander): """ Adds default values to rules The implementation simply makes all rules inherit from a defaults rule. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ Creates DefaultExpander Each parameter passed is considered a RuleInfo default value. Where applicable, Snakemake's argtuples ``([],{})`` must be passed. """ super().__init__() self.defaults = RuleInfo(None) self.defaults.norun = True for key, value in kwargs.items(): setattr(self.defaults, key, value)
[docs] def get_super(self, rule: Rule, ruleinfo: RuleInfo) -> RuleInfo: return ("__default__", self.defaults)
[docs]class WorkflowObject(object): """ Base for extension classes defined from snakefiles This currently encompasses `ymp.env.Env` and `ymp.stage.Stage`. This mixin sets the properties ``filename`` and ``lineno`` according to the definition source in the rules file. It also maintains a registry within the Snakemake workflow object and provides an accessor method to this registry. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # Fill filename and lineno # We assume the creating call is the first up the stack # that is not a constructor call (i.e. not __init__) try: caller = next(fi for fi in stack() if fi.function != "__init__") if not hasattr(self, 'filename'): #: str: Name of file in which object was defined self.filename = caller.filename if not hasattr(self, 'lineno'): #: int: Line number of object definition self.lineno = caller.lineno except IndexError: log.error("Failed to find source code defining %s", self)
[docs] def register(self): """Add self to registry""" cache = self.get_registry() names = [] for attr in 'name', 'altname': if hasattr(self, attr): names += ensure_list(getattr(self, attr)) for name in names: if (name in cache and self != cache[name] and (self.filename != cache[name].filename or self.lineno != cache[name].lineno)): other = cache[name] raise YmpRuleError( self, f"Failed to create {self.__class__.__name__} '{names[0]}':" f" already defined in {other.filename}:{other.lineno}" ) for name in names: cache[name] = self
@property def defined_in(self): return self.filename
[docs] @classmethod def new_registry(cls): return cls.get_registry(clean=True)
[docs] @classmethod def get_registry(cls, clean=False): """ Return all objects of this class registered with current workflow """ import ymp cfg = ymp.get_config() return cfg.cache.get_cache( cls.__name__, loadfunc=ExpandableWorkflow.ensure_global_workflow, clean=clean)