Source code for ymp.config

import atexit
import glob
import logging
import os

from xdg import XDG_CACHE_HOME

import ymp.yaml
from ymp.common import AttrDict, Cache, MkdirDict, parse_number
from ymp.env import CondaPathExpander
from ymp.exceptions import YmpSystemError
from ymp.stage import Pipeline, Project, Reference
from ymp.snakemake import \
    BaseExpander, \
    ColonExpander, \
    DefaultExpander, \
    ExpandableWorkflow, \
    InheritanceExpander, \
    RecursiveExpander, \
from ymp.stage import StageExpander
from ymp.string import PartialFormatter

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)  # pylint: disable=invalid-name

[docs]class ConfigExpander(ColonExpander): def __init__(self, config_mgr): super().__init__() self.config_mgr = config_mgr
[docs] def expands_field(self, field): return field not in 'func'
[docs] class Formatter(ColonExpander.Formatter, PartialFormatter):
[docs] def get_value(self, field_name, args, kwargs): cfg = self.expander.config_mgr # try to resolve variable as property of the config_mgr if hasattr(cfg, field_name): return getattr(cfg, field_name) return super().get_value(field_name, args, kwargs)
[docs]class OverrideExpander(BaseExpander): """ Apply rule attribute overrides from ymp.yml config Example: Set the ``wordsize`` parameter in the `bmtagger_bitmask` rule to 12: .. code-block:: yaml :caption: ymp.yml overrides: rules: bmtagger_bitmask: params: wordsize: 12 """ def __init__(self, cfgmgr): if 'overrides' not in cfgmgr._config: return self.rule_overrides = cfgmgr._config['overrides'].get('rules', {}) super().__init__()
[docs] def expand(self, rule, ruleinfo, **kwargs): overrides = self.rule_overrides.get(, {}) for attr_name, values in overrides.items(): attr = getattr(ruleinfo, attr_name)[1] for val_name, value in values.items(): log.debug("Overriding {}.{}={} in {} with {}".format( attr_name, val_name, attr[val_name],, value)) attr[val_name] = value
[docs]class ConfigMgr(object): """Manages workflow configuration This is a singleton object of which only one instance should be around at a given time. It is available in the rules files as ``icfg`` and via `ymp.get_config()` elsewhere. ConfigMgr loads and maintains the workflow configuration as given in the ``ymp.yml`` files located in the workflow root directory, the user config folder (``~/.ymp``) and the installation ``etc`` folder. """ KEY_PROJECTS = 'projects' KEY_REFERENCES = 'references' KEY_PIPELINES = 'pipelines' CONF_FNAME = 'ymp.yml' CONF_DEFAULT_FNAME = ymp._defaults_file CONF_USER_FNAME = os.path.expanduser("~/.ymp/ymp.yml") RULE_MAIN_FNAME = ymp._snakefile __instance = None
[docs] @classmethod def find_config(cls): """Locates ymp config files and ymp root The root ymp work dir is determined as the first (parent) directory containing a file named ``ConfigMgr.CONF_FNAME`` (default ``ymp.yml``). The stack of config files comprises 1. the default config ``ConfigMgr.CONF_DEFAULT_FNAME`` (``etc/defaults.yml`` in the ymp package directory), 2. the user config ``ConfigMgr.CONF_USER_FNAME`` (``~/.ymp/ymp.yml``) and 3. the ``yml.yml`` in the ymp root. Returns: root: Root working directory conffiles: list of active configuration files """ # always include defaults conffiles = [cls.CONF_DEFAULT_FNAME] # include user config if present if os.path.exists(cls.CONF_USER_FNAME): conffiles.append(cls.CONF_USER_FNAME) # try to find an ymp.yml in CWD and upwards filename = cls.CONF_FNAME log.debug("Locating '%s'", filename) try: curpath = os.path.abspath(os.getcwd()) except FileNotFoundError: raise YmpSystemError("The current work directory has been deleted?!") while not os.path.exists(os.path.join(curpath, filename)): log.debug(" not in '%s'", curpath) curpath, removed = os.path.split(curpath) if not removed: break if os.path.exists(os.path.join(curpath, filename)): root = curpath log.debug(" Found '%s' in '%s'", filename, curpath) conffiles.append(os.path.join(root, cls.CONF_FNAME)) else: root = os.path.abspath(os.getcwd()) log.debug(" No '%s' found; using %s as root", filename, root) return root, conffiles
[docs] @classmethod def instance(cls): """Returns the active Ymp ConfigMgr instance """ if cls.__instance is None: cls.__instance = cls(*cls.find_config()) return cls.__instance
[docs] @classmethod def activate(cls): ExpandableWorkflow.activate()
[docs] @classmethod def unload(cls): log.debug("Unloading ConfigMgr") ExpandableWorkflow.clear() if cls.__instance: cls.__instance.cache.close() cls.__instance = None from ymp.stage import Stage, StageStack StageStack.stacks = {} = None
def __init__(self, root, conffiles): log.debug("Inizializing ConfigMgr") self.root = root self.conffiles = conffiles if os.path.dirname(conffiles[-1]) == root: self.cachedir = os.path.join(self.root, ".ymp") else: self.cachedir = os.path.join(XDG_CACHE_HOME, "ymp") self._config = ymp.yaml.load(conffiles) self.cache = cache = Cache(self.cachedir) # lazy filled by accessors self._snakefiles = None self.projects = cache.get_cache( "projects", itemloadfunc=Project, itemdata=self._config.get(self.KEY_PROJECTS) or {}, dependfiles=conffiles ) self.references = cache.get_cache( "references", itemloadfunc=Reference, itemdata=self._config.get(self.KEY_REFERENCES) or {}, dependfiles=conffiles ) self.pipelines = cache.get_cache( "pipelines", itemloadfunc=Pipeline, itemdata=self._config.get(self.KEY_PIPELINES) or {}, dependfiles=conffiles ) self._workflow = ExpandableWorkflow.register_expanders( SnakemakeExpander(), RecursiveExpander(), CondaPathExpander(self), StageExpander(), ConfigExpander(self), OverrideExpander(self), DefaultExpander(params=([], { 'mem': self.mem(), 'walltime': self.limits.default_walltime })), InheritanceExpander(), ) @property def ref(self): """ Configure references """ return self.references @property def pipeline(self): """ Configure pipelines """ return self.pipelines @property def pairnames(self): return self._config.pairnames @property def conda(self): return self._config.conda @property def dir(self): """ Dictionary of relative paths of named YMP directories The directory paths are relative to the YMP root workdir. """ return self._config.directories @property def absdir(self): """ Dictionary of absolute paths of named YMP directories """ return AttrDict({ name: os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self.root, os.path.expanduser(value))) for name, value in self.dir.items() }) @property def ensuredir(self): """ Dictionary of absolute paths of named YMP directories Directories will be created on the fly as they are requested. """ return MkdirDict(self.absdir) @property def cluster(self): """ The YMP cluster configuration. """ return self._config.cluster @property def limits(self): """ The YMP limits configuration. """ return self._config.limits @property def snakefiles(self): """ Snakefiles used under this config in parsing order """ if not self._snakefiles: self._snakefiles = [ fn for dn in (os.path.dirname(self.RULE_MAIN_FNAME), self.absdir.rules) for fn in sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(dn, "**", "*.rules"), recursive=True), key=lambda v: v.lower()) if os.path.basename(fn)[0] != "." ] return self._snakefiles
[docs] def expand(self, item, **kwargs): expander = ConfigExpander(self) res = expander.expand(None, item, kwargs) return res
[docs] def mem(self, base="0", per_thread=None, unit="m"): """Clamp memory to configuration limits Params: base: base memory requested per_thread: additional mem required per allocated thread unit: output unit (b, k, m, g, t) """ mem = parse_number(base) max_mem = parse_number(self.limits.max_mem) if mem > max_mem: mem = max_mem min_mem = parse_number(self.limits.min_mem) if mem < min_mem: mem = min_mem div = parse_number("1"+unit) return int(mem / div)
@property def shell(self): """The shell used by YMP Change by adding e.g. ``shell: /path/to/shell`` to ``ymp.yml``. """ return @property def platform(self): """Name of current platform (macos or linux)""" if not (hasattr(self, '_platform') and self._platform): import platform system = platform.system() if system == "Darwin": self._platform = "macos" elif system == "Linux": self._platform = "linux" else: raise YmpSystemError(f"YMP does not support system '{system}'") return self._platform