Source code for ymp.blast

Parsers for blast output formats 6 (CSV) and 7 (CSV with comments between queries).

import logging

from collections import namedtuple
from typing import List

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)  # pylint: disable=invalid-name

[docs]def reader(fileobj, t: int=7) -> 'BlastParser': """ Creates a reader for files in BLAST format >>> with open(blast_file) as infile: >>> reader = blast.reader(infile) >>> for hit in reader: >>> print(hit) Args: fileobj: iterable yielding lines in blast format t: number of blast format type """ if t == 7: return Fmt7Parser(fileobj) elif t == 6: return Fmt6Parser(fileobj) else: raise ValueError("other formats not implemented")
[docs]class BlastParser(object): "Base class for BLAST parsers"
[docs] def tupleofint(text): try: return tuple(int(i) for i in text.split(';')) except ValueError: log.warning("Error parsing BLAST file") return tuple()
# Map between field short and long names FIELD_MAP = { "query acc.": "qacc", "subject acc.": "sacc", "% identity": "pident", "alignment length": "length", "mismatches": "mismatch", "gap opens": "gapopen", "q. start": "qstart", "q. end": "qend", "query length": "qlen", "s. start": "sstart", "s. end": "send", "evalue": "evalue", "bit score": "bitscore", "subject strand": "sstrand", "sbjct frame": "sframe", "score": "score", "query frame": "qframe", "subject title": "stitle", "subject tax ids": "staxids" } # Map defining types of fields FIELD_TYPE = { 'pident': float, 'length': int, 'mismatch': int, 'gapopen': int, 'qstart': int, 'qend': int, 'qlen': int, 'sstart': int, 'send': int, 'evalue': float, 'bitscore': float, 'score': float, 'sframe': int, 'qframe': int, 'stitle': str, 'staxids': tupleofint }
[docs]class Fmt7Parser(BlastParser): """ Parses BLAST results in format '7' (CSV with comments) """ FIELDS = "# Fields: " QUERY = "# Query: " DATABASE = "# Database: " HITSFOUND = " hits found" def __init__(self, fileobj): self.fileobj = fileobj self.fields = None if "BLAST" not in fileobj.readline(): raise ValueError("not a BLAST7 formatted file")
[docs] def get_fields(self) -> List[str]: """Returns list of available field names Format 7 specifies which columns it contains in comment lines, allowing this parser to be agnostic of the selection of columns made when running BLAST. Returns: List of field names (e.g. ``['sacc', 'qacc', 'evalue']``) """ return self.fields
def __iter__(self): for line in self.fileobj: if line.startswith(self.FIELDS): self.fields = [ self.FIELD_MAP[field] if field in self.FIELD_MAP else field for field in line[len(self.FIELDS):].strip().split(", ") ] self.Hit = namedtuple("BlastHit", self.fields) elif line.startswith(self.QUERY): self.query = line[len(self.QUERY):].strip() elif line.startswith(self.DATABASE): self.query = line[len(self.DATABASE):].strip() elif line.strip().endswith(self.HITSFOUND): self.hits = int(line.split()[1]) self.hit = 0 elif line[0] == "#": continue else: self.hit += 1 yield self.Hit(*[ self.FIELD_TYPE[key](value) if key in self.FIELD_TYPE else value for key, value in zip(self.fields, line.strip().split('\t')) ])
[docs] def isfirsthit(self) -> bool: """Returns `True` if the current hit is the first hit for the current query""" return self.hit == 1
[docs]class Fmt6Parser(BlastParser): """Parser for BLAST format 6 (CSV) """ #: Default field types fields = ("qseqid sseqid pident length mismatch gapopen " "qstart qend sstart send evalue bitscore").split() field_types = [BlastParser.FIELD_TYPE.get(n, None) for n in fields ] Hit = namedtuple("BlastHit", fields) def __init__(self, fileobj): self.fileobj = fileobj
[docs] def get_fields(self): return self.fields
def __iter__(self): for line in self.fileobj: yield self.Hit(*[t(v) if t else v for v, t in zip(line.split("\t"), self.field_types)])